What a surprise Dead Heads |2-Hungover |1-again!! Erm yes its true I am again suffering from headachius maximus after a bit of a session at the pub yesterday. This was done with good reason though (as if there needs to be a reason) as it was the last day of college and so virtually everyone was in there knocking back the pints (and others). It was bloody marvellous and I can recommend it as a great way to meet lots of women (most of who are also drunk) and get their phone numbers. Generally a good after noon was had (5 pints of lager and 2 of cider plus a few other bits in 2 hours aint bad goin'). Unfortunately though I am paying the price typing this article whilst being very tired and moaning about the volume of Mtv. Oh well thats it back to bed... Probably... Dead Head. end